The captivating power of Sunsets- By Sonal Jain

Mountain sunset quotes

Sunsets are one of the reasons I would always want to keep my camera hung tight on my shoulders every time. There is a thing of beauty hidden in each sunset and each sunset sends a different message. Now you must be thinking about what messages a sunset can send? 

Well, I will tell you my experience and the way I see every sunset. Before beginning to tell you how I feel about each sunset, I would say to be able to chase sunsets whenever it was possible has been one of my favorite encounters with the sun. I am that person who would want to stop and stare to watch the sunset.

Different Types of sunsets according to me-

To everyone from a scientific background might be expecting a very scientific answer here, but no. These are going to be sunsets attached with different emotions and different moods. I have always been a big fan of sunsets and ever since I had a camera and I learned how to compose a picture, capturing sunsets became my favorite.

Sunset background

The captivating power of sunsets is very strong, and I have always seen sunsets with a strong message.  I feel this is all psychological and I being a super imaginative person, see the sunset according to my day, mood, and the phase I am in. So today I describe my encounters with sunset on various days. 

Are you ready to enjoy the divine sunsets of my everyday life? Keep on reading. 

1.  Sunsets with a message- “Hey, you did great today”.

When you work with your full potential, that day's sunset seems super satisfying. When you use your day for something productive, the sun rewards you with its captivating views. It gives you all the strength and a big wide smile saying, you did great today, have a good sleep, and get ready for even a better day tomorrow.

Sunset in Noida
Sunset for high spirited

Sunset in Noida
Sunset wants you to fly high

2. Sunset that says, "Relax a little".

This is a very important phase of everyone’s life. It is a phase where your adrenaline rush is at a peak and you are always on the run. But then there are days when you need an external force to tell you, please relax a little. Sunset is one such external force that gives you a sense of calm when you need it the most. Such sunsets remind you to breathe a little and then begin again. Such sunsets are soft, fragile, and cute. 

Sunset pools
Relax a bit


City sunsets quotes
It asks you to let go 

Purple meaning
Soft and calm

3. Comforting sunsets on a Disappointed day-

Just as not all days are the same, not all sunsets are the same too. Life is not smooth sailing always. There are tons of disappointments, heartbreaks, failures in our daily life and things seem to fall apart. But then when you watch the sunset closely, it sends you a message, ‘Why are you upset dear child, you have a new day to start tomorrow’. Just analyze your problems or mistakes tonight and wake up fresh to begin again. On that day, sunset is super comforting. It brings you new hope and says just because one day went bad, does not mean your entire life is bad.

Sunset in Noida today
There is always a scope 

Sunset time
Better opportunities are coming

4. Some sunsets scare you right, left, and center-

Well, these sunsets come with a message saying, ‘Wake up. Now, this can be perceived differently by different people. These sunsets come during a stormy day and take you by the storm. I have been a witness of many of these, even though the sky looks prettier than ever but if you want you can give meaning to it. I see such sunsets as a wake-up call from nature. Wake up call for taking nature for granted, for taking our lives for granted, or maybe opportunities, relationships, health, and wealth for granted. 

Such sunsets technically are the calm after the storm but if you see them as a lesson or a stern message from the sun, a lot more can change in the way, we lead our life. 

Storm weather
Sunset after heavy rains 


Moon today
Gazing through the clouds


Panoramic view

5. Silly sunsets are also important-

Well, life is meant to be confusing because if it were this easy, no one would ever have a problem. In the above paragraph, I told you so much about not wasting time and taking life seriously but here I am going to confuse you and say, do not always be hard on yourself. Learn to take it one day at a time and be a little silly and childlike at times. 

With this sentence comes a very mischievous story. During my college years in Delhi, I would travel by metro every day from Noida to Delhi and then back to Noida. Days when I would come home late evening and I saw the sunset, I would get down at any metro station, even if it were not my station only to watch the sunset peacefully and quickly take a picture. Then take the next train and head back home. Funny right? Yes, I did that a lot and if I were with someone, I would take them along. However tough life, it is important to find such silly ways to make your heart happy and sunsets make my heart very happy.

Metro station Noida
Sunset from a metro station

6. Sunsets near water bodies are unarguably my most favorites-

Sunsets near bodies of water add in a lot of beauty, calmness, stable yet unstable kind of a feeling in you. Because such sunsets are visible only a few times, I make sure every time I get to witness it, I picture it in my eyes forever. Luckily, I can always picture them on my camera so that I can re-visit the pictures again and again. Every time, I see a sunset near water bodies, my family knows that she is now going to take her own time to click a satisfactory picture of the same. I take my own good time to be with the sunset and go with its flow.

Sunset Wallpaper
Sunset in Sandur, Karnataka

Sunset in Goa
Sunset in Goa

Sunset in Goa beach
And it disappears

7. The Journey sunsets-

Very recently we went on a Dehradun-Mussoorie trip and Mussoorie did not fail its name ‘The Queen of hills’. It is exactly how it sounds like and the Queen did offer me a mesmerizing sunset. We stayed there for 4 days and every time we were on a road; we would take a quick stop to watch the sunset honoring the beautiful mountains and blessing our eyes equally.

Mountain sunset hd
Sunset on a Mountain

Mountain sunset quotes
Best road trip sunsets

I am glad to be able to feel the sunsets in a different way. It is my personal perspective about each sunset. Giving each activity in your life meaning will help you live a life with much clarity.  We get to witness so much beauty in one day. Every sunset followed by every sunrise leaves a powerful impact on us.

Here are some beautiful sun-setting videos you can watch that I have taken for my Instagram reels. It is a blessing to my eyes. 

Sunset on my way to Mussoorie

Sunset on Mussoorie Hills

Sunset in Sandur, a Hill station in Karnataka

This was my share of the story, and I would love to know about your perception about Sunsets. Please put them in the comments below, let us spread a little sunshine.

Hope you liked reading. Please do give share your thoughts after reading this blog and out your valuable feedback and suggestions below. 

Thank you for Reading!


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